Dr. Omar Saleh is a board certified diagnostic radiologist with fellowship training in Vascular and Interventional Radiology. Dr. Saleh graduated medical school in 2007 from the University of Mississippi. He then went on to complete a 5 year residency in Diagnostic Radiology at the University of Mississippi Medical Center and then completed a 1 year fellowship in Vascular and Interventional Radiology at the University of Arkansas Medical Center where he learned how to excel in minimally invasive image guided procedures.
In 2013, Dr Saleh moved to Southern California and was hired to become the Vascular and Interventional Radiologist at Riverside University Health Systems. In a few short years, Dr. Saleh was able to introduce a large variety of image guided procedures to the University and help them compete with some of the surrounding prestigious academic centers. Dr. Saleh worked closely with the medical and radiation oncologists and pharmacists and started offering a variety of treatments in cancer patients. The procedures ranged from chemoembolization procedures to treat hepatocellular carcimona in patients who were not surgical candidates. He also started offering image guided cryoblation procedures for patients with renal cell carcinoma and other solid tumors to treat patients in a minimally invasive fashion. Dr. Saleh also offered complex biopsies that were deemed “too dangerous”, as well as imaged guided kyphoplasty for patients with painful pathologic or osteoporotic compression fractures in their spine.
In 2014, a turning point for Dr. Saleh was he noticed that many patients with diabetes, peripheral artery disease and end stage renal disease were getting major amputations (above or below knee amputations). In an effort to treat this epidemic, Dr. Saleh teamed up with podiatry and vascular surgery to create a multidisciplinary limb salvage program and started introducing minimally invasive procedures where a lot of diseased or blocked arteries below the knee where being treated with atherectomy and balloon angioplasty/stenting. These were new procedures to the institute that were helping patients who were before told there was nothing left to do for treatment and only offered below knee amputation.
Also, Dr Saleh started offering therapies for patients suffering from chronic and acute deep venous thrombosis which was resulting in severe leg swelling and wounds related to blood clots in the deep veins. Sometimes the blood clots can travel to the lungs and cause life threatening massive or submassive pulmonary embolism. Dr. Saleh also introduced the procedure to RUHS and St Bernadine Medical Center where one can go into the pulmonary arteries with a catheter and dissolve/break the clot in order to save the patient’s life.
In 2016, Dr. Saleh was the first physician to perform a percutaneous mesocaval shunt in Inland Empire Region in a patient who had life threatening bleeding from esophageal varices but was not a surgical candidate and didn’t have the anatomy for a TIPS procedure (a procedure that Dr. Saleh can also perform).
Dr. Saleh now works as an independent practitioner with primary focus on treating vascular, venous and dialysis related disease. He performs procedure at the Nephrology Associates Access Center in Riverside, California. He also performs procedures at the California Vascular Center in Pomona, CA as well as Presbyterian Intercommunity Hospital in Whittier ,CA. Dr. Saleh is known for treating complex patients and welcomes patients for second opinion regarding their disease process. He also welcomes out of town/out of area guests and can help with accommodations/travel.
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